Encouraging, identifying potential, committed to delivering the highest standards and recognising and rewarding success
See our Values, Vision & Strategy
Breaking down barriers to learning, building positive and supportive relationships and behaving with integrity, compassion and humility
See our Values, Vision & Strategy
Respecting each other, appreciating different backgrounds and cultures, engendering a spirit of community and co-operation and wanting the best for everyone
See our Values, Vision & Strategy


It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Felpham Community College website.  Whether you are a current member of our school community, a prospective student or parent, or someone wishing to work here, we hope you’ll gain a sense of our high aspirations and vibrant community.

With ‘Achievement – Care – Equaity’ as our core values, we are widely celebrated as an inclusive school that strives to maximise the potential of each and every student, regardless of their ability and background.

The success of our school is due to our outstanding and dedicated staff and governors, together with our brilliant students, parents and partner organisations – all participating enthusiastically and working hard for success. In this way, Felpham Community College works together as a united and harmonious team to achieve amazing results and create so many opportunities.

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