Felpham Community College support ‘Save the Post Office’

Felpham Community College held a cheque presentation ceremony on Tuesday 30th April, to present the ‘Friends of Felpham – Save the Village Post Office’ committee with a cheque for £1000.

The fundraising for the community project took place last term, with FCC hosting a Talent Show on the 26th March. The event was a sell-out performance to family, friends and the local community. A wide variety of acts from across year groups took part in the show. Feedback from the audience, judges and staff was fantastic with everyone commenting how talented the students are and how good the show was.  

The students who performed at the event met with Lizzie Mickery, from the Friends of Felpham Committee, on the 30th April to present her with the cheque and find out how it will support the campaign.

Lizzie Mickery commented:
“It was a privilege to be on the judges’ panel at the Talent Show. The standard of talent was extraordinary and all the students who took part did exceptionally well. Felpham Post Office is an integral part of village life and keeping it open will support both the community and local businesses. Thank you to Felpham for joining us with your fundraising.”

Friends of Felpham – Save Our Post Office

Felpham Hero Awards

Congratulations to Felpham year 13 students – Toby Clegg, Olivia Vine and Isabelle Isitt – who won a ‘Felpham Hero’ award on Saturday 27th April.

The Awards were organised by Felpham Parish Council, to celebrate local people who deserve to be recognised for their outstanding work with assisting others. Toby, Olivia and Isabelle won the 11-18 category for their charity and community work.

Mrs Chester, Charity Co-ordinator at FCC commented:
“Toby, Olivia and Isabelle were part of the sixth form Student Leadership Team at Felpham Community College. They supported younger students, led events and activities for students from a variety of age groups, and showed kindness, support and compassion to students. They were influential with our charity events helping fundraise and organise/run events including our youth action week, charity dog walk, non-school uniform days, foodbank donation drive, Christmas Fayre and the charity talent show. They have helped the school raise over £10,000 for various charities and FCC in a year.
They are a real credit to their families and the school community, as the time, effort and enthusiasm they have put in has gone above what we expect from them within their Student Leadership role. Well done guys, you thoroughly deserve the award.”

The FCC Dance Team mean Business!

Well done to the Felpham Community College extra-curricular Dance House Team who performed at Worthing Pavilion on Tuesday 23rd April as part of the Dance House showcase, along with a number of other local schools.

The FCC team of year 7-10 girls had been learning their routine since the beginning of the Spring Term – a hip hop piece titled ‘The Business’, based around determination and reaching for your goals.

Miss Crocker, Teacher of Dance, commented:
“The show was a sell-out, it was great to see the team performing to a packed live audience after working so hard for months learning and perfecting the routine. We have received some fantastic feedback following the performance – with other schools and parents even contacting us to comment how incredible the Felpham performance was! Well done girls, fantastic work.”

Year 12 attend UCAS Discovery Day

On Thursday 18th April, year 12 students spent the morning at Winchester University, attending the UCAS Discovery Day.

It was a great way for students to get an insight into life after sixth form – whether that means university, apprenticeships, volunteer work, a gap year or career opportunities.

There were representatives from a wide range of higher education institutions (universities and colleges), as well as the National Apprenticeship Service, the Institute of Chartered Accountants and all the British Services. Workshops were also available to help students with UCAS applications and answer questions about university life. Feedback from our year 12s was really positive and they were a credit to FCC at the event

Pathways Evening

This year’s event will be bigger and better that the previous two, with more exhibitors than ever.

Whatever year you are in this is your chance to find out more about careers you might be interested in – what jobs there are, what qualifications you need to get into them, and what skills they look for when recruiting.

The Fire Brigade will be bringing a fire engine with them and the Army are bringing their BATAK machine – test your reactions by hitting the lights that come on randomly. An event not to be missed!

Clicking on the logos will take you to the relevant website, or to information about the role the speaker does within their company. Whilst looking at the exhibitors why not explore the other information that can be found on the FCC Careers website?