Year 11 students at Felpham Community College celebrate mock GCSE results

On Monday 25th March, Felpham Community College hosted a presentation ceremony for year 11 students to celebrate their mock exam results.

This year, students had two rounds of formal practice exams, so that they can see how progress can be made in a short space of time. The first set were held at the end of last term, and the final ones in February. All mocks were completed in strict exam conditions, to give students a feel for what the summer exam season holds. Extra-curricular revision sessions have been taking place across subjects since October for both sets of exams.

Students are now preparing for their final weeks of study, with sessions also being run in the Easter holidays for a number of subjects.

Mrs Bloomfield, Assistant Headteacher commented:
“Year 11 students are working really hard and need to keep the momentum up – there are only a few weeks left of formal key stage 4 education! They have the Summer to look forward to, and their year 11 prom, but for the meantime we are focusing on them working hard – and remembering that we are here to support them every step of the way”

Charlie Wimble, year 11 student commented:
“I am really pleased! I have put in lots of effort since the first round of mocks before Christmas and it has paid off – every one of my grades has gone up this time round. Now I want to do more to get them even better!”

Sam Shelton, year 11 student commented:
“I got all 9s and 1 8 which is fantastic, I want to keep up the hard work for the last couple of months and then I can’t wait to finish for the summer. I am coming back to FCC Sixth Form in September to study maths, further maths, physics and computer science.”
