End of term festivities at Felpham Community College

Felpham Community College celebrated the end to a busy and productive term by hosting a variety of festive events. The Christmas Craft Fair was a great success at the end of November, and following this there was the annual Carol Service at St Mary’s Church in Felpham, on Wednesday 13th December. This was a community event and included FCC pianists, the school choir, orchestra, staff choir and a performance from some of the sixth form students. It was lovely to see so many people attending and joining in.

On Thursday 7th December, staff held a staff Christmas jumper day, raising money for Save the Children. Then on the last day of term – Friday 15th December – students and staff were invited to wear non-uniform for the day to fundraise for Stonepillow. Sixth form students got involved and wore festive clothes!

Finally, the FCC Rights Respecting Schools Ambassador Miss Jarvis has been running a Christmas card act of craftivism. A group of students have spent time making Christmas cards that will be sent to Chestnut Tree House and others in need during the festive season, to spread festive spirit!

Toby Clegg, Head Student at FCC commented:
It has been a really busy term. Welcoming our new year 7 students in September seems like so long ago but in other ways the term has gone really fast! We have done lots of charity events this term and it was nice to finish off by raising money for both local and international charities.”

Charities we are raising money for:
Save the Children
Chestnut Tree House

Felpham Community College do a huge donation drive for Bognor Foodbank

At the beginning of November, a group of the FCC Student Council visited Bognor Foodbank, to find out first-hand how it operates. Following this, the Student Council promoted a school-wide donation drive for the Foodbank across year groups and including staff.

Mr Summers, Assistant Headteacher commented:
“It has been great to see how many items we managed to get donated from the FCC school community – from dog food to Christmas biscuits! We sorted it all out into categories at school and then delivered it to the Foodbank on the 7th December. We only just managed to fit it all into our minibus with the students. Our Student Council really enjoyed getting involved and want to do it even bigger and better next year!”

Felpham Community College spreading positivity at Christmas time!

The Sixth Form Charity Committee organise a wide variety of community and charity events throughout the academic year. This term, they wanted to remind people that charity is not just about fundraising, but also about giving up your time.  

On Wednesday 6th December, 5 of the committee visited Autumn Lodge Care Home in Aldwick, to socialise with the residents and play Christmas games. Another 5 visited Sainbury’s in Bognor Regis, to help shoppers with their Christmas packing at the check-out tills.

Olivia Vine, Student Leadership i/c of Community Action commented:
“I visited the Care Home and we really enjoyed it, it was fun talking to the residents and they were really competitive with the games! They have asked us to go back after Christmas as we were chatting about school trips and they want to hear all about our recent Geography trip to Iceland. A few of my friends went to Sainsbury’s and they said it was funny how some of the people didn’t believe they were just doing it to be nice, and didn’t want paying for the help!”